We do accept most health insurance.
Most people wonder if acupuncture is covered under their health insurance. Acupuncture is getting more acceptance with health insurance companies. Everything still depends on the individual coverage. You should always check your plan to find out if there is coverage. We can also check for you when you come in for a treatment.
Holistic Family Care is an approved provider for the Department of Veteran Affairs. If you are a Veteran and would like to have the VA cover the cost of your treatments, you will need to go in to the VA and ask for acupuncture to be done by us and they will send us a referral to set up a treatment time for you. Tell them which acupuncture physician you want to see, either Dr. Robert Murphy or Dr. Yuk Tong Cheng, and our location: 1215 E Livingston St. Orlando, FL 32803.
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