Acupuncture is an effective form of health care that has evolved into a complete and holistic medical system. We use a non-invasive medical system to diagnose.
Our physicians will place fine, sterile, single-use needles at specific acupoints of the body. This activates the body’s Qi (life energy) and promotes natural healing by enhancing recuperative power, immunity and physical and emotional health. It also can improve overall function and well-being . It is a safe, painless and effective way to treat a wide variety of medical problems.
Come with any questions you have—we’re here to help you.
The sensation caused by an acupuncture needle varies. Some people feel a little pain as the needles are inserted, but most people feel no pain at all. The needles are tiny, just a little larger than a cat’s whisker or human hair.
The depth of the insertion varies. For example, your acupuncturist will use a needling technique that is different in fleshier areas, such as your buttocks. Typically, needles are inserted at depths ranging from 1/8” to 1 ½”.
Acupuncture is extremely safe. It is an all-natural, drug-free therapy, yielding no side effects except for feelings of relaxation and well-being. There is little danger of infection from acupuncture needles because they are sterile, used once, and then discarded.
Yes! In some instances children actually respond more quickly than adults. If your child has an aversion to needles, your acupuncturist may massage the acupuncture points. This is called acupressure or Tui Na.
Acupuncturists must receive a Master of Oriental Medicine, before they can even sit for the national board exams. There are very strict guidelines set to make sure that acupuncturists are trained properly.
Acupuncture Injection Therapy (AIT) is a modality that utilizes the injection of vitamins or homeopathic solutions into acupuncture points.
Certification for AIT is required to be able to perform this procedure and is reported to the Florida Board of Acupuncture.
Some of the reasons to utilize AIT are:
We have a class for Qi Balancing
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