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Amazing improvement of my hands

More than 8 months ago my right hand began exhibiting itching which then progressed to throbbing pain and scaly skin. Over the next couple of months my skin began to crack and ooze making it difficult to open and close my hand. Then my left hand began showing the same symptoms making it difficult to do anything with my hands. The pain and itching became awful and was unbearable at night making sleep impossible. Conventional western medicine (dermatology) couldn’t do anything for me and had no idea why I was experiencing these symptoms. I was completely frustrated. Fortunately, my daughter encouraged me to see Dr. Cheng and out of desperation I flew to Orlando from Ohio because I was really worried that my hands would never be the same again! I wore gloves everywhere because my hands looked so disgusting. Dr. Cheng explained that years of smoking (over 60 yrs.) and using chemicals without protective gloves had overloaded my body with toxins and my hands were my body’s way of telling me to make some serious changes. With Dr. Cheng’s help, I quit smoking in October, had regular treatments for 3 months and made changes to my diet. The progress seemed so slow, until I realized how many years of mistreatment my body endured that created the problem in the first place. Now, my hands are almost back to normal. I no longer wear gloves or have pain; the oozing and cracking is gone and new skin has replaced the old. I couldn’t be happier with the results and am so grateful for the knowledge, experience and care exhibited by Dr. Cheng in the healing process. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t gone to Dr. Cheng, but it’s too scary to contemplate…!

— Tony Ovsenik

No more Blues !

I have been a patient of Dr. Cheng for several series of treatments. I have a number of medical issues that include Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, High Triglyceride, (border line) Diabetes, Tennis elbow and bad Knees. The first sessions were oriented towards helping with circulation in my lower legs. My lower legs were basically Blue . The capillaries in my feet and calves were enlarged and Blue. Varicose Veins were bulging and blue all over my legs. It actually looked as if I had been stomping Grapes ! Along with the discoloration it was difficult to sleep because of the throbbing and restless leg associated with this condition. As she administered the very first treatment you could watch the Blue color dissipate to normal skin tone and the swelling of the veins and capillaries decrease. These treatments also assisted in knee pain and swelling. I was already scheduled for my right knee to have knee replacement. I resumed treatments after the surgery which assisted in pain management, reduced swelling which helped with the knee movement and in the overall healing process. Dr.Cheng is very astute in her diagnosis’s, application process, is caring and conscientious – I highly recommend her! To the normal Western medicine associated patient – it is a weird science, but it has been around for over 5 thousand years – And it Works ! Your in good hands with Dr. Cheng.

— Ashton Poplin

Mudança de vida

Boa tarde! Vim deixar meu testemunho,pois Dr Cheng mudou minha vida pra muito melho!! Digo sempre que ela é milagrosa,pois desde que comecei minhas sessões há uns 2 meses já perdi,5 kilos,minha ansiedade melhorou demais,depressao muito também… Minha parte gastrointestinal sempre foi um problema em minha vida,não podia comer nada,nem leite,nem farinha,nem fermento,que tudo me fazia muito mal…. Hoje em dia posso comer de tudo,graças à acupuntura e ao chá de ervas que tomo 3 vezes ao dia após as refeições. Tenho muito mais disposição para meu dia a dia,sintomas do stress como dores musculares terminaram…. Dr. Cheng é extremamente querida,atenciosa,humana,profissional maravilhosa! Um Anjo na Terra… Só tenho a agradecer sempre…. T

— Monica Fredel Aragao

Thank you Dr. Cheng

I have had several concussions that had left me with health problems and some that were to be permanent at age 21. These health problems consist of; vision impairment, neurological, neck, spine, circulatory issues, and nervous system. My eyes have accommodative esotropia, accommodative spasm, ocular motor dysfunction, and severe photophobia which has cause me to have visual seizures and with very little vision in my right eye. I experience double vision with my right eye also. My brain has formed scar tissue and blood clots which can prevent my brain from getting the proper blood flow. I used to get every two weeks horrific head pain that would last up to ten hours along with sever eye pain. I have pain and lack of circulation though out my body. Since I have started to see Dr. Cheng, I can now feel my fingers and toes which was the circulatory issues. My head pain has lessened, and I am doing much better, because Dr. Cheng is addressing each health issue. I fully trust Dr. Cheng with my all my health issues.

— Ashley

Dr. Cheng is wonderful

I was facing major surgery in October and decided to find a Chinese doctor to help me to be the best physically before ,during, and after surgery. Dr. Cheng was that person. She explains everything so we could make a good decision on my health. Dr. Cheng is a delightful person, full of energy and willing to spend the time to explain how Chinese medicine works and how it would help me. I went through the surgery with almost no bruising and I started to feel better faster too. I have been continuing to go to Dr. Cheng for the healing for my neck and lower back pain. I think she is absolutely wonderful and highly recommend her.

— Rose O

Holistic Healing

When I first met Jacqueline Cheng, August 2016, I had run out of western medicine options for my G/I issues. But I knew it was so much more than that. I was sleep deprived, emotionally exhausted, bile dumping, and bloated. I could barely get food down and was only eating toast, pretzels, mashed potatoes and red beets. Every appointment began with Jacqueline taking the time to listen and understand how I was feeling and what my concerns were along with her assessment of my well-being on that day. She also worked with me to discover what foods were causing problems and what foods would work best for my G/I system and overall health. Now, I sleep through the night, have all the energy I need, a balanced diet that works for me and a G/I system that is happily working as it should. Jacqueline, thank you so much for being one of my Earthly Angels who has supported my journey. I wouldn’t have got through the last couple of years without all your knowledge and expertise in oriental medicine and especially your understanding, support, care, and compassion.

— Anita C

We have a class for Qi Balancing 

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